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GLD, The Gold

Foto del escritor: DMND shopDMND shop

Gold was the first metal that caught the attention of man, since it is one of the few found in nature in a relatively pure state and resists the action of fire without blackening or experimental damage of any kind. In the 4th century AD increased gold circulation particularly in the form of currency; this increase was due to the time of Constantine when it was insisted that the payment of taxes and other debts to the government were made in gold. In the conquest of the Arabs in the Middle East (Persia, Syria) in the seventh century AD circulating in Western Europe. The establishment of gold coin of great purity. With the discovery of America, at the end of the 15th century, the Modern Age was inaugurated, metal became abundant again. Mexico, Chile and Bolivar produced large amounts of gold that enriched the capitals of Europe during the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries.

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